Argentine Tango is a partnered social dance danced all over the world. Connection and movement together to the music is emphasized over flashy moves: the partners dance together to the music is emphasized over flashy moves: the partners dance for each other.
The MIT Tango club is dedicated to promoting Argentine Tango to the MIT Community, Boston Student community and in the Greater Boston Area in general. We offer classes, practice sessions (called “practicas”), introductory bootcamps, and workshops at prices discounted for MIT students and students in general.
We are always looking for people to help us do cool tango things, particularly among MIT students. If you would like to help out, please send an e-mail to “tango-org” at mit dot edu and let us know what kinds of help you might be able to provide. We are a non-profit student organization, but MIT volunteers get cool benefits like free entrances to MIT Tango club milongas, workshops, and events. You can also help to influence the direction of the club.