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Event Series Intro to Tango Series – TangoSpark

Intro to Tango Series – TangoSpark

Dance Complex (Cambridge) 536 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge

Ready to take your first steps on the dance floor? Join us for a fun, welcoming introduction to Argentine tango. No partner or experience needed – just bring your enthusiasm and wear something comfortable! When: Tuesdays | January 14 – February 18 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Where: Dance Complex* | 536 Massachusetts Ave.,...


Short Sequences – enrich your vocabulary with 52 sequences every year

Ultimate Tango Studio 349 Washington St, Malden

Learn a new, short, easy-to-remember sequence every week. That’s 52 sequences a year. Your vocabulary will be enriched, and your partners – super impressed. Open levelOpen-level class means anyone above the Beginner level can attend. However, the class is not catered towards the ‘easy’ though it is meant to be for everyone. You will be...

Event Series INT/ADV CLASS TangoAffair


TangoAffair Studio in Cambridge 9 Union Street, CAMBRIDGE

This class is taught by Simonida Cekovic-Vuletic and Svetislav Vuletic, TangoAffair 5 TUESDAYS, Jan 28 – Feb 25 7:30 – 9:00pm: Intermediate/Advanced “Technique, Musicality & Combinations” This class will improve your technical and musical accuracy and teach you how to combine elements to create fluid, musical and fun sequences that have that special tango look...

Event Series INT/ADV CLASS TangoAffair


This class is taught by Simonida Cekovic-Vuletic and Svetislav Vuletic, TangoAffair 5 TUESDAYS, Jan 28 – Feb 25 7:30 – 9:00pm: Intermediate/Advanced “Technique, Musicality & Combinations” This class will improve your technical and musical accuracy and teach you how to combine elements to create fluid, musical and fun sequences that have that special tango look...

— TUESDAYS — NOCHE DE PRÁCTICA Guided Tango Practica

Dance Union 16 bow street, Somerville

Every Tuesday from 7:30-10:30pm you will be joining a group of Tangueros that practice with each other and help each other progress. This practica is guided by Maestro Guillermo Merlo, Highlights: - A weekly guided práctica (every Monday) - Support provided for developing your technique and executing figures - Emphasis on musicality - Práctica changes...


UT – Practica Chiquita

Ultimate Tango Studio 349 Washington St, Malden

Once you have the basics of Argentine Tango down, it’s time to work on developing your skills. Our tango practice sessions do just that. Practica Chiquita is guided, which means there are instructors present who will advise you on what to practice and how to practice. Although the Tango Codigos are respected, it is also...
