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Event Series TANGO 1: BEGINNER


FG Dance Academy ​380 Washington St Level 2,, Brighton

Schedule: Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Instructor: Mia Dalglish Prerequisite // Registration: No prior experience necessary No partner needed Register by Series or Drop-in Current Series: JAN 9, 16, 23, 30 Drop in (on THUR 1/9 ONLY): $22 per class session *Registration for Full Class Series also includes: Free attendance to the first 30 minutes of...

Event Series FGDA TANGO 1 First Timer / Beginner

FGDA TANGO 1 First Timer / Beginner

FG Dance Academy ​380 Washington St Level 2,, Brighton

Schedule: Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Instructor: Mia Dalglish Prerequisite // Registration: No prior experience necessary  No partner needed Drop-ins only permitted on first class of the series Current Series:  CLASSES RESUME IN SEPT  (Thursdays 5, 12, 19, 26) ​Full Series price: $80 Drop in (first session of the series only): $22 per class session *Registration for Full Class Series also...

Event Series Tango Lab

Tango-Lab : Dancing focused on Musicality/Partnership

Ultimate Tango Studio 349 Washington St, Malden

Join us Thursday nights for 'Tango-Lab,' a unique dance forum tailored for Mid-stage tango dancers and milongueros.  This lab is Dance focused (musicality, Rythym, fluid, partnership) and offers an in-depth exploration of various aspects of the dance.  We take practical patterns, and focus on shared roles, partnership and musicality. 'Tango Lab' provides a nurturing space...


UT – Beginner – Learn Argentine Tango in 4 weeks | Improve your communication and partnership, make new friends!

Ultimate Tango Studio 349 Washington St, Malden

Once you enter the world of tango, it changes you forever. It will also empower you with the ability to dance and make friends anywhere in the world as you master your Tango language. Space is limited, so please do register early. 😍😍 The classes are held at 349 Washington St, Malden, MA 02148. ✅...

$40 – $120
Event Series OakGrove Practica

UT OakGrove Practica (Guided)

Ultimate Tango Studio 349 Washington St, Malden

Once you have the basics of Argentine Tango down, it’s time to work on developing your skills. Our tango practice sessions do just that. Oak Grove Practica is guided, which means there are instructors present who will advise you on what to practice and how to practice.  Although the Tango Codigos are respected, it is...
