March 28, 2026 @ 9:00 pm - 1:00 am EDT

For the past 24 years, The Tango Society of Boston has been presenting “Late Night” on the 4th Saturday of the month and we are excited to finally bring it back.
DJ: Guest DJ every month
It is best to check our website at www.bostontango.org because there are different events every month that you don’t want to miss.
Events such as classes, workshops, perfomances, etc.
Payment preference is via Paypal or Venmo.
Paypal: info@bostontango.org. — it is all set up. Just hit ‘submit’ and it will take you there
Venmo: @danceunionstudio (4872-for first time users)
We are offering monthly passes with a discount.
Buy 4 Milongas for $50 (To be used only for Milongas that cost $15)
The Tango Society of Boston will return to its regular programs in July with our Wednesday Tango Break and will continue to offer the same events on the same days and times that we were offering before the pandemic and have been offering for the past 24 years.
We are now officially fully open to the public; however, we will continue to be very strict about certain protocols. The health and well-being of our Tangueros is our main concern.
***Vaccination information will be required of ALL who come to any event at Dance Union. We will require to see the vaccination card before you enter the studio. You may send it to me ahead of time, if you wish.
The card will be required only ONCE as the information will be kept on file and there will be no need to show it every time. This information will be kept confidential.
PLEASE adhere to the protocols. Refusal to present vaccination information will result in you not being allowed to participate in our events.