About Toby Balsley

I have been a dancer my whole adult life in some form but moved all into Argentine Tango in 2015 or so. I have not stopped since.

I am a Boston based Milongero with my wife Wailing (quite an accomplished beautiful tango dancer), and we travel around the world often for tango. We both have full time day jobs, but we do teach new tango newbees and intermediates students. We guide them on the glories of tango and how it can passively take over your life. I also regularly teach a musicality class (from a how to adopt musicians standing to a dancers perspective) called Boston Tango Lab. We explore and practice rhythms, and musical form with phrases and how to dance with awareness to different type of styles and orchestras.

Look us up, I would each love a Mirada + Cabecero sometime. I love dance with anyone who explores how to move and become enveloped in the the dance.

Toby Balsley and Wailing Balsley